Date(s) - 19/03/2020
Heymanszaal, Academy Building
Recently we are witnessing a massive phenomenon in European politics. Critics, media, and scholars have talked about the rise of “populist” parties all over Europe, and many has expressed concerns about this “populism”. But what precisely is meant by this ‘p-word’? What causes it, and why are the ideas expressed by these parties sometimes (but not always) problematic? To what extent is it a result of a dis-functioning of the so-familiar liberal democracy?
Prof. John Morijn, RUG’s chair in law and politics in the International Relations Department will help us answer and discuss these questions, specifically regarding what is at stake when defending liberal democracy in Europe. He will do so by focusing particularly on Polish rise of populism and a recent campaign that he helped initiate to support free speech and academic freedom by Polish academic and intellectual Wojciech Sadurski.
Interested in knowing more about Europe and populism?
Come join us for a fun and enriching evening on March 19th, 2020, 8PM at Heymanszaal!