Intro: Lecture – To Vegan or not to Vegan

Date(s) - 16/04/2019
18:00 - 20:00


Register here!

In our next event, Tuesday 16th of April, 6pm, at the Harmony Building, the HCSA will be collaborating with the Vegan Student Association to reflect on how the vegan and non-vegan lifestyle differ and affect our bodies, our minds, and our environment. From heart disease to global warming, every decision we make as consumers has an impact on ourselves and the world around us. Three speakers will deliver short, 15 minute presentations on ethics, nutrition and the environment, respectively, after which we will have about half an hour of Q&As!


18:00 Introduction
18:05: Ethics of Veganism – Oskar Bakker,
18:20: Nutrition and Veganism – Alicja Jelenska
18:35: Environment and Veganism – Dr. Ir. Sanderine Nonhebel.

But that’s not all. After the lecture (7.30pm), we will go to Café de Keyzer to enjoy some drinks and FREE vegan snacks and cakes!!
Participation is free but registration is required, sign up here


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