Become a member!

Become a member of the HCSA to enjoy all its perks! Member advantages include various discounts at places such as Shirt A La Minute and Rå. And, of course, members receive discounts on paid HCSA activities, free drinks and much more.

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By selecting yes, you oblige yourselves to pay the contribution associated to the cohort you belong to. For first years Bachelor Honours students, this is €5 for the period April-September 2024, for second and third year Bachelor Honours students this is €10 for a full academic year. In principle contribution is non-refundable unless membership is cancelled during the first half year in which the member is enrolled in the RUG Honours programme. In addition, when signing up for an activity organised by HCSA, you agree with that HCSA will automatically debit the participation fee of your account. After signing up for HCSA, you will receive an email with your unique debtor identification number that will be used for your further debits, such as the contribution.


If you have a Dutch bank account, please scan your respective QR code and pay your membership fees!

If you don’t have a Dutch bank account, simply add this to your email to and we will ask you to transfer the money to our bank account!

Thank you!

If you are thinking of joining the Honours cohort of 2024-2025, please scan this to pay your annual membership fees of €15 to get it early! This is a one time payment for the rest of your time at Honours.

If you are a part of the Mukwege cohort of 2023-2024, please scan this to pay your annual membership fees of €10! This is a one time payment for the rest of your time at Honours.

If you are a part of the Goodall cohort of 2022-2023, please scan this to pay your annual membership fees of €5! This is a one time payment for the rest of your time at Honours.

If you want to sign up as part of the Alumni network of 2023-2024, please scan this to pay your membership fees of €5!